Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Place Beyond the Pines - Review


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I think it's fair to say the major drawcard for me seeing this film, and probably for many others, is the cast. With both Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper in lead roles, and Eva Mendes with a large supporting role, it's a nice film to watch. That is, until the blood starts leaking out.

Set in a small American town, the film follows Gosling's life, as a motorcycle loving outlaw, until it unwillingly intertwines with Coopers, a young rookie policeman ready to prove himself. The film then changes focus to Cooper's character, and it will change again later, leaving viewers with a feeling they've seen three films in one. The final "film" has us being lead around the dark and dangerous streets through the eyes of two teenagers, whose lives are more linked than they would wish.
Despite the jumping from one lead to another, the strong storyline, the fantastic acting and the exaggerated visual and sound affects make this an excellent film. I spent almost all of it squirming in my seat at the action on screen, some of the characters certainly need help in making the right choices in life, but it was the soundtrack that made my heart pump and my hands make their way to my eyes. The intensity of the music, the vivid and sometimes garish colour and the desire to yell out "don't do that!" really took it out of me. Lot's of deep breaths.

The Place Beyond the Pines is a very American film, not in the usual way with over the top accents and an explosion per second, but more because these events could only happen in America. A travelling circus performer come bank robber, guns, drugs, an election, corruption and one wild party, only in the US of A. A must see film, at the cinemas for the full affects of the surround sound, but perhaps at home if you're a little squeamish of blood.

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