Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hello! Just on my way from Manchester back to London, I've been to visit my grandparents and family. Awkward situation re: the blog as its quite hard to write one without a computer or a phone that has Internet! But nevertheless whenever I can get wifi I'll use my trusty iPhone to put something on here.
Anywho, London is so far pretty magical! Claire and I are staying with our friend Mary in Islington close to Kings Cross Station, which you will know from popular culture references such as Harry Potter and Monopoly. On Sunday we went to just about every tourist attraction London has, sat on the lions at Trafalgar square, Claire proposed to me at Westminster Abbey where Kate and Wills married (needless to say I said yes), we watched the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace (the flag was up), discovered it costs money to sit on the deck chairs at Green Park, saw Michael Parkinson in The Wolseley, went to Boots and decided to become a police officer as the ones that guard No 10 have a pretty cruisey job (Ed I'm looking at you). Tonight we are watching the England v Ukraine game in a pub, and I'm pretty sure I'm already getting an accent.
Ta ra for now, will post again after the Harry Potter exhibition and the Taste Food Festival when we're our way I Birmingham to see Jay-Z and Kanye. Yeah!

(Hi Mum I miss you)

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