Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Life and Times

My life in pictures:

Joni and I went down to Bournemouth last weekend, which is on the south west coast of England. We were visiting a friend we made in Croatia, Jesse, who very kindly housed us for two nights while we did these things:
Went to a huge Bournemouth Uni event called Block Party, six bars were open to those who had wristbands all night with DJs and events.
Went on a bouncy castle at the pre's to that ^^
Decided we weren't ready to go back to London and just didn't get on our return train home.
Drank Bloody Mary's the next day to cure out hangover.
Sunk our toes into the white sand at Bournemouth pier, Joni eating mint choc chip ice-cream, me some hot chips in newspaper.
Went out again, this time to celebrate a birthday with a motley crue that included 61-year-old Marg, the photo below is of the completely stocked bar she had in her back garden, personally hand painted by the woman herself.
Laid on the beach again, this time I got very sunburnt, which has now turned into tan. Unfortunately the tan is a definite line running half way up my thigh. 
Got the afternoon coach home in various states of depression and exhaustion, slightly wishing we had Jesse's life, and lived in such close proximity to the beach.
Got talked into going back again for the uni's Summer Ball! C'mon June.
Thank you again Jesse :)

I spent Tuesday and most of Wednesday recovering from the weekend, only for Wednesday night to turn into quite a ruckus: homemade strawberry daiquiris, going to Cheapskates where the drinks are £1.50, loving hearing Haim and, as always, the new Daft Punk song, and coming home at the completely unreasonable hour of sunrise. 

Sorry about the evil red eye

My Friday-Sunday was quite a contrast, I went to St Paul's Cathedral (not to repent my sins just to sit in the garden) and the Museum of London on Friday, and explored Clerkenwell (where I visited a very quirky and interesting bookshop, Magma).

Museum of London- good to see they included the important things!

On Saturday I went to London Fields, where Broadway Markets was in full swing. They're food markets. Did I like it? Ehhhh, yes, I loved it.
I got a mint tea from the famous Climpson and Sons, along with a vegan and gluten free cupcake and sat in the park with my book. Heaven.
Saturday night Joni and I watched Flight- very good! - and managed to not convince ourselves to go out, which is what normally happens when we plan a quiet sleepover.

In food news, I was chef this week for Marty, Sarah and I. We split the shopping bill, I cooked, and they washed up. Best idea ever.

This was the menu:

Thai Chicken Salad
Steak, Asparagus and Roasted Sweet Potato
Thai Fish Cakes with Green Salad
Stuffed Capsicums (or Peppers. Or Pepsicums as Marthe once said)
Chicken Kebabs and Quinoa Tabbouleh
Chickpea and Sweet Potato Burgers

I loved life.

Here is a picture of a green smoothie that I slurped up quick smart.

At the moment, however, I am homesick.
I'm loving London still, my to-do list is miles long, I've got work experience so I'm busy etc etc.
BUT it was Mother's Day today at home, and I wish I would have gotten a cuddle off Mum.
I think the Bournemouth ocean has made me want to be here:

This quote I saw in the Museum of London made me chuckle though, and it sums up London perfectly.
"It it not a pleasant place, it is not agreeable or cheerful or easy or exempt from reproach, it is only magnificent"- Henry Jame, 1869

One last note, the next two weekends are my last full ones in London.....
Every other one I'm either away, going away, or coming home from going away.
So I suppose I'll be sipping a Tasty Tom's at Yelo before long...


P.S. I saw Simon Amstell at Kings Cross Station.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Marylebone and Regent's Park

Hiya! Today is May 1, and summer is well and truly here!

This photo was taken last night. An elephant shaped cloud. Hopefully I'm not the only one who can see it?!

To take advantage of the beautifully sunny day, I caught the bus to Marylebone, to visit a few shops from my London Style Guide, and to have a stroll and my lunch in Regents Park. Their were loads of people relaxing on the lawn, tourists, business men, school groups, and one particularly racy oiled up chubby man on the deck chairs by the pond. Good times. No picture evidence, but that's probably a good thing.

They have a communal garden scheme!

After the park, and after inspecting the park map, I realised Camden was really close! The closeness of inner London has come to my attention recently. If you don't know London well this won't mean much, but Baker Street to Camden was only about 20 minutes, the same time it would take the tube. Amazing. I have plans to walk from my place to Hampstead soon, it's an hour long walk or 15 minutes on the tube. Just for fun!

Today's Walk