Monday, February 11, 2013


Mates**. Another short break from blogging, but ONLY because I'm sort of just living life at the moment. My six main activities right now include uni, netball, work, going out, drinking coffee and procrastinating. And thanks to a few recent purchases (including an 8-day tour of Morocco, a trip Porto in Portugal [both in June] and a fur coat) the amount of going out is being drastically reduced! But, I'm still having a whale of time! 

Since my last post it has been Australia Day- very fun. We ended up being quite a large group of Australian / NZ's + 2 Dutch girls who, can I just say, blended in very well! Did some 2pm pre-drinking of chardonnay from a tiny owl decorated hip flask (an amazing Sinterklaas present from Liz!), then went to The Walkabout in Shepherd's Bush which played some seriously Australian tunes.  Nostalgia and homesickness set in for about 10 minutes until the novelty of seeing Southern Cross tattoos wore off, but it was still lots of fun. We then carried on to East London to a place called The Book Club which, while quite tame that night, is featured in my London Style Guide and would be a really cool place to have dinner. It's on the to-do list.

Apart from that I've done lots of coffee drinking, netball season has begun again, really enjoying it despite the cold outdoor games. And, as you can see from these photos, I mainly just drink out of small vessels and hang out in cafes. I know how to have a good time.

Acai and blueberry smoothie from Fix Coffee in Shoreditch.  And some cool street art in the background there.

Salad plate from Look Mum No Hands (a cafe my Dad would like!). That thing that looks like cauliflower cheese (and tasted like cauliflower cheese) didn't have any cheese...

Soy mocha from Shoreditch Grind. Cost me £3.25 because it was in Shoreditch, but I did feel cool even just being in the cafe.

Almond milk mocha from New Row Coffee. Genuinely the nicest coffee I've ever had. Amazing.

Lost this bad boy walking to the tube. Cancelled it, paid £10 for a new one, then found the old one............... hmm.
I gouged my eyes out for the photo, in case you're wondering.

This is in the main square at my uni at the moment, it's to encourage people to do a survey of the university, but I like to think it's for Valetines Day. Yes I'm going out, yes it's to an anti-Valentines party! Not that I'm anti-Valentines, I just couldn't choose between my 16 dinner offers so said no to all. Fairest way to do it really.
ALSO, exciting news. I got some marks back for the host of assignments I had to hand in after New Years, and for this food article and this travel article I got a first! Which is like an A or a High Distinction. Boooooyah.

Have been asked a few times recently whether or not I'm ready to go home, and while the answer is without a doubt no^^, I wouldn't mind some KitchenAid / ice-cream maker action, the kitchen here is just not rocking my world. When I get home I'd like to knock these up.

Up and coming events include a visit from Marthe's friend Vincent, a homemade cocktail night, another Move On's gig, organising a trip to Scotland, Marthe's 21st birthday (!!!!) and counting down the days until my next loan comes in....

Also, big thanks to Joni for buying my cake yesterday, and accompanying me to the National Portrait Gallery which I thought was fantastic!

 I haven't got one! I'm so out of touch with the tunes lately, please refer recommendations to my Facebook page or, if you don't know me, the comments section below.
INSTEAD here are some fun websites:


**Have become super Australian of late thanks to listening to this podcast: The Minutes by Patience Hodgson and Mel Buttle, they just chat about life. Hilarious.

^^Except I do miss M&D a bit.